Abaddon/Apollyon/Lucifer/Shaitan Google Earth Maps and regular Google Maps Links
Lucifer"s Mugshot? Or Baphomet Mugshot?

Exact Location Of The Image At The Bottom Of This Picture

Revelation 9:9


Revelation 9:8


Revelation 9:1-6

Sahara Bulls Eye is South East of the Image of Abaddon/Apollyon/Lucifer Image

About 100 Miles southeast of Apollyon/Abaddon/Lucifer, This were I believe that Lucifer crashed against the Earth when he was evicted from Heaven , notice that scientist are not 100% certain of what it is.
TheCristianThinker YouTube Channel With Hundreds of Videos About The Truth Available
Why are we revealing the location of the Image of Apollyon/Abaddon/Satan/Lucifer?
Simple... We believe that if you see that there is visible proof of a Big Evil Angel that the whole wide world can see through the Google Earth Satellite...
then there must be Big Holy Angels that we are going to be able to see in the future as well. And needless to say... There is a God that made all of them. Including you and me.
Blessed be the name of our Lord God Jehovah. The glory, honor, power and majesty belongs to him. Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is King of kings and Lord of lords of all living things that has been created for and by His glory for all eternity, Amen.
The Lord gave my wife a vision of the entrance to hell the first week of November 2006, in this vision she saw the end of one of the tunnels that leads the Christless souls that are falling into hell. The tunnel was enormous and extremely frightening. It swirled and twisted like a tornado. At the end of the mouth she saw people being expelled from it. Every time that fire came out of the tunnel people came out as well. They were falling into what seemed like a bottomless pit. The more she looked down into it, the darker it appeared. This pit seemed to be about 200 meters in diameter and it was made of dark grey stone. The surrounding area was terrifying, extremely dark and gloomy. There was an overwhelming sensation of loneliness and helplesness that impregnated the whole area. The horrendous screams of the lost souls was terrifying. (She is not sure if it was a angel or Jesus that was holding her, because of this we will not be using capitol A as we write down the word angel). She was held up in the air by an angel at about 300 meters from the pit and at about 30 meters high by the right of the tunnel. She was in the angels hands as he upheld her " Observe" "Look" he said . She asked the angel " What is this?", "why are they not getting out of there?" he replied "here are the people that want to be here".
After she described me her vision, I decided to study hell in depth using the Bible and listening to several people that have been in Hell and have been able to come back and talk about their experience (I have provided a link at the bottom of this page to take you to their page) Needless to say I could barely sleep for about a week. I studied for about 2 weeks for about 10 or 12 hours a day and 2 days after I thought I was done , I was pulled right back into it when I was messing around Google Earth with no set direction on where to go and all of the sudden I was guided to the area were this thing was. I believe that this confirms Revelation 9:11

The Workings of Evil (Proof That RIHANNA Is Singing With Lucifer)
Bill Wiese Went Into Hell, And Got Torn Apart By Demons
The Happening- Jack Van Impe- Movie
April 30, 2009
April 29, 2009
Mohammed’s Flying White Horse
Prophecy In The News Articles List: "Why did Barack Obama hold the last night of the Democratic Convention in the Denver Broncos Football Stadium? Was it just a coincidence that the mascot of the Denver Bronco’s was an Arabian white stallion named Thunder?
In A.D. 621, at the age of 51, Mohammed laid down at dusk and curled up in a plush carpet at his cousin’s house, only to be abruptly awakened by the archangel Gabriel, who invited him to come outside.
As he stepped through the door, he was introduced to a huge white horse with giant wings like an eagle. Gabriel told him that the horse once belonged to Abraham, and that his name was El Barack meaning, 'White horse' and 'Thunder' (also sometimes spelled 'Burack').
The two mounted the horse, leaped into the air and flew from Mecca to Mount Sinai, then to Bethlehem, then to Jerusalem to visit the Temple Mount. That night, Mohammed rode 'Thunder' through seven heavens to visit face to face with Allah!
Allah told Mohammed that in the end of days, when the 'day of recompense' arrives, the flying white horse will return for the resurrected Mohammed to mount and ride again.
Is it just a coincidence that President Barack has the same name as Mohammed’s horse? Also, is it possible that Mr. Obama was sending a message to the Muslim world? Perhaps he was saying, 'El Barack has returned! It is time for Mohammed to ride again across the world!'
In the picture at right Barack Obama is coming up out of the water, in the same manner as the beast rising up out of the sea in Revelation 13. Barack is surrounded by 13 roses, representing the Rosicrucians (the Order of the Rosey Cross and the infamous Illuminati).
To his left is a bridge that could stand for 'Pontifex Maximus' meaning, 'The bridge builder.' It is daybreak — the dawn of the Age of Aquarius, with Mohammed’s white horse coming up behind him. In the distance are buildings, one of which looks a lot like a building built in New York City in 1929, by the Russian mystic, Nicholas Roerich, to house the 'Stone of Destiny,' also called the 'Holy Grail' in the poem 'Parcival' (A.D. 1210).
The ancient legend says that Michael and Lucifer were fighting in the region of Sirius, the dog star, when Michael knocked the stone out of Lucifer’s crown. It fell to earth, breaking into three pieces. One piece was fashioned into a cup, out of which Christ drank wine at the last supper. Another part was used by Jacob for a pillow as he slept at Bethel and dreamed of a ladder to heaven. The third part was housed in a silver socket — the corner stone of the Kaaba in Mecca. Jacob’s stone was kept in Solomon’s Temple until Jeremiah took it to Scotland. The stone was kept in the castle of Scone, thus known as the 'Stone of Scone,' and was confiscated by the British. Queen Elizabeth was sitting above that stone when she was crowned.
However, it is said that the stone beneath the English throne is a fake. The Jacobites brought the real stone to America in 1715. The story is that it will be returned to Jerusalem to be housed in a new Temple — to be built by the Rosicrucians. You can get the full story in the DVD Eye of the Phoenix offered on page 24. The rays of the sun shine upon Obama’s body, which glistens with sparkles of glory. Watch this man. He just might make history!"
Natural Antivirals | The Health Gazette
Natural Antivirals | The Health Gazette
I honestly believe that this "Swine Flu" will not be a huge pandemic. The whole idea of this flu scare is to cause just that, a scare. But now that people arre scared because of the news , they will take the vaccination for it.... and thats when they will die. All vaccinations weaken the inmune system and when the real "Avian Flu' comes around 70% of the population will not survive. I know it because I have read the evidence. But the main reason I know it is because the Bible does talk about a pandemic that will wipe out two thirds of the population. I highly recommend that we should all make our inmune system stronger so that is why I posted this link.
Stay saved
April 17, 2009
April 12, 2009
This Page Is Dedicated To The Glory of The Father, The Son And The Holy Spirit

Please do not risk your soul for another minute! Make sure you name is written in the book of life. Do not trust in religion as a base for your salvation. If you think that religion will save you from Hell, you are wrong! Thinking that religion will save you is a ludicrous as believing that the more knowledgeable you are about about the law of your country you will not pay if you commit a crime. We are all sinners and have come short of the glory of God. Also being a "good person" will not bring salvation. We are excluded from the presence of God for eternity and after this life in the flesh (temporary dweling) we will become dust because it has been said " for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return". It has also been said "that which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit" this is why you should not be surprised that Jesus has told us that we have to be born again by the Spirit only thu our only Mediator between God the Father and men Jesus Christ. You must be 100% sincere in your repentance and he will forgive you, confess that he is the only way to the Father in heaven and admit that you need salvation. Do this with all your heart, ask him to come into your life and take control and you will be saved. Do this quickly because time is running out, he is coming back for his church and after he does the whole world will become a nightmare, the book of Apocalypse is soon to become real to the world, Jesus is coming back sooner than you think!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do not get implanted with the Microchip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will be posting many things that the Lord Jehovah has placed in my heart
through out these days. Please keep coming back to this
site. I promise to the Lord that I will provide you true knowledge from God. I
will also be getting ready to post on this site an
instruction booklet for all the people that will be left behind after Jesus
comes back for his church.
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