The Star of Remphan |
The six pointed Star, is it the Star of David? If you have not, we pray this issue of Despatch will make you aware. A recent issue of a Christian newsletter, sent from an organization which has been building bridges to the Jewish people for many years, stated that the STAR OF DAVID was the most Christian symbol a believer could wear!This is not so. The SIX POINTED STAR is actually a New Age occult symbol. QUESTIONS ??? We should ask about this Star are:
Facts about the Six Pointed Star: It has an amazing background, right back into ages past. HERE IS A SUMMARY OF information on the HEXAGRAM, or six-pointed star and elements which bear relationship to our subject... 1. 2. The foregoing verifies that it was therefore in existence long before the time of Solomon. He took this symbol upon himself when he went into idolatry, and it became known as the `Seal of Solomon' in Arabic magic and witchcraft. 3. There was no usage of it in Jewish circles until the 17th century when the cabalist, Isaac Luria, introduced it in Germany. 4. Mayer Amschel Bauer then used it in Germany to identify his address, consequently changing his family name to Rothschild, meaning `Red Shield', and depicting the red hexagram hanging on his door. He later incorporated it into his family coat of arms. 5. The six-pointed star or hexagram became the insignia of Zionism. 6. Hitler rose to power, using it as a badge of shame, forcing all Jews to wear it during the Nazi regime. 7. It arrived at the Knesset of the newly formed State of Israel. 8. It became the logo of the Jewish `Red Cross' called the Magen David Adom. 9. It became the centerpiece on the flag of Israel. 10. Surreptitiously, it has become the international symbol of the Jewish people and saturates the world as the Jewish Star. The Hexagram is 666. The hexagram, or six pointed star, certainly has three sixes. It contains a six, within a six, within a six: 666. (Count the sides of each triangle facing the clockwise direction, the sides facing the counter-clockwise direction, and the third six - the sides of the inner hexagon). And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth THE MARK OF HIS NAME. (Revelation 14:11 In the book ANCIENT PAGAN SYMBOLS, "The triangle, the geometrical emblem of three things, one above two, the two lower uniting to produce the higher, or the union of the positive and negative forces to produce the third, is the most complex and mystical as it is the most UNCOMPROMISING of all symbols. ....Three has been called the very soul of magic, astrology and divination." 1. The book goes on to talk about the Hindu triad, the Buddhist triad and others, but here we draw the line on the details. Solomon's Seal was accepted as occult by the occult world. King Solomon became involved in witchcraft and occultism. (Although Solomon was greatly used of the Almighty God). According to THE SORCERER'S HANDBOOK - "King Solomon, traditionally known as an ARCH MAGICIAN [author's italics], used a SPELL [author's italics] to banish infernal beings sent by the king of demons to EXTRACT HUMAN HEARTS . . . [The names of the demons are then given.]" 2. "Solomon's Mirror. A mirror used for divination". It is described and they go into what is done with the blood of A PIGEON. In the book THE HISTORY AND PRACTICE OF MAGIC, Vol. 2, the six-pointed star is called the talisman of Saturn. It is illustrated obverse and reverse. The latter is the Seal of Solomon; the former is the five pointed star, commonly called the pentagram. Details are given on how to make these symbols and the materials to use. 2. The Hexagram - 666 - Sign of Satan. The insignia of the Globalists, Cabalism, the Rothschilds and Zionism - The Hexagram. SHOULD CHRISTIANS WEAR THE SIX POINTED STAR, THE HEXAGRAM? At the time of publication of the book, "The Six Pointed Star", by O.J. GRAHAM, in the 1980's, these figures were given. 30% of the Jews living in Israel were not religious at all, even atheists. Of the remaining 70%, the majority were religious only formally, few were deeply committed. O.J. Graham, himself of Jewish ancestry, now a Christian journalist writes... "The Jewish Almanac does not explain which Jews decided to make the six-pointed star the symbol of Jewry, nor does it state when such a vote took place. Some Jews will have nothing to do with this symbol; others do not care to check it out. The majority of people could not care less. Some are shocked to learn it is pagan, but do not think that the matter is important." What then is the Real Symbol of the Hebrew People? Read all about this Menorah, which played such a vital role in the Tabernacle and was placed in the Holy Place in Exodus 25. More verses about the Menorah are, 1 Kings 7:49 RECOMMENDED READING ON THE STAR: |